Harkers Hormoform – 2.5kg Bag
Hormoform was first launched in 1954, after 2 years feeding trials, involving some of the leading fanciers. Hormoform is a supplementary feed, which was probably the first truly scientifically, formulated supplementary feed ever offered to the racing pigeon. The results were remarkable. Fertility and virility improved and Hormoform’s influence on the production of crop milk ensured strong well-grown youngsters. Birds raced better than ever and, as a result, demand for Hormoform has increased steadily since its introduction. This and the fact that most of the important races have now been won by Hormoform prepared birds, demonstrates the satisfaction and confidence fanciers have found in this product. The Formulation Hormoform is a compound of energy-yielding fats and oils, animal and vegetable protein, yeast, cod-liver oil, malt extract, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements supported on a cut-wheat base. The calculated typical analysis is as follows: 12% Protein 8.8% oil 5.1% Fibre The protein in Hormoform is designed to complement the protein in the traditional diet not replace it….