Cesar Classics Wet Dog Food Terrine Mixed Selection – 8 x 150g

Our dog food tray includes eight classic terrine complete dog food options including: tender Chicken andamp; Turkey, succulent Beef andamp; Liver, tender Poultry, savoury Chicken andamp; Beef. 100% Complete andamp; Balanced wet dog food made with high quality ingredients. Our Cesar dog food comes in recyclable packaging, helping our environment. No added sugar, artificial colours or flavours. Just pure, tasty tender mixed dog food in jelly. Cesar dog food provides locked in freshness, meaning your dog will enjoy tasty dog food in jelly just as it’s meant to taste. Cesar dog food Classic Terrine offers 8 succulent, hearty and 100% complete meals, across 4 tasty recipes, carefully prepared with healthy, natural ingredients that your dog will simply adore. A dog food tray that offers everything your canine friend could want from wet dog food, offering a complete dog food option for your dog. Ingredients: With Succulent Beef andamp; Liver: Meat and animal by-products (55%, 95% natural*, incl. 4% beef meat, 4% chicken liver), grains, minerals, vegetable by-products, vegetable protein extracts.With Tender Chicken andamp; Turkey: Meat and animal by-products (55%, 95% natural*, incl. 4% chicken liver, 4% turkey), grains, minerals, vegetable by-products, vegetable protein extracts, herbs.With Tender Poultry: Meat and animal by-products (55%, 95% natural*, incl. 4% chicken liver), grains, minerals, vegetable by-products, vegetable protein extracts.With Savoury Chicken andamp; Beef: Meat and animal by-products (55%, 95% natural*, incl. 4% chicken liver, 4% beef), grains, minerals, vegetable by-products, vegetable protein extracts. *Natural ingredients.Additives per kg:Nutritional additives: Vitamin D3 (250 IU), cupric sulphate pentahydrate (1.1mg), calcium iodate anhydrous (0.23mg), ferrous sulphate monohydrate (3mg), manganous-(II)-sulphate monohydrate (1.8mg), zinc sulphate monohydrate (16.2mg).Technological additives: Cassia gum (2000mg), sodium nitrite (12.6mg). Analytical constituents protein 10.0 % fat 5.0 % fibre 0.5 % ash 2.3 % moisture 80.5 %…