Tempest Original 100 Turnout Rug and Neck Navy – 66″

Suitable for cool nights and days when a heavier weight rug is too warm, or for hardy horses in colder weather. The rug and neck set offers great layering options in changing weathers. The neck cover attaches to the rug and fastens with touch close straps. Key features: ShireTexandreg; 600 denier ripstop, waterproof and breathable outer with taped seams, blanket set chest fastenings, adjustable cross surcingles, adjustable fillet strap, tail flap. WarmaRug Compatible – Upgrade this rug’s warmth rating using separate rug liners in 100g or 200g. Durable, dependable, excellent value! Tempest Original rugs offer exceptional value for those wanting a good, dependable turnout rug….