Harrisons Suet Balls No Nets – Pack of 6
Walter Harrison’s Fat balls should be fed in addition to other foods – they provide much needed energy for the birds and are an acceptable substitute for insect protein, which is lacking from a wild bird’s diet in winter. Fledglings in particular need insect protein for healthy growth and development, so it is important to continue feeding fat balls all year round. Not having nets not only means no litter but the additional benefit of being completely safe to use without the risk of trapping and damaging birdsandrsquo; beaks and feet. Made from high quality suet and packed with a selection of seeds including millet and black sunflower Walter Harrisons Fat Balls are a high energy food suitable for most varieties of garden bird and particularly attractive to great tits, blue tits, long tailed tits and coal tits. Fat balls provide an important source of nutrition throughout the year, particularly during the nesting season and the colder months when birds need to maintain their fat levels. As well as feeding from a fat ball feeder no net fat balls can be fed on the ground, on a bird table or crumbled and added to other food…