Foran Equine Refuel Gel Supplement – Single – 30ml Syringe
Foran Equine Refuel Gel is a concentrated electrolyte gel with added B vitamins and antioxidants for optimum recovery. Ideal for: Performance horses Horses in intense work Horses in hot climates Those who suffer from muscle conditions including stiffness Features andamp; Benefits: Specially designed andndash; to manage the loss of electrolytes through sweating Sodium andndash; the most important electrolyte as it regulates thirst Complemented by potassium, chloride, magnesium and calcium to support whole body function B Vitamins andndash; for optimum protein and energy utilisation and to maintain appetite Vitamin C andamp; E andndash; a powerful antioxidant package to aid muscle recovery The Strict Anti-Doping Formulation Ensured (S.A.F.E) marks Foran Equine Refuel Gel as free from prohibited substances and safe for use in competition and racing horses. Includes 1 syringe of 30 ml….