Edgard and Cooper Puppy Dry Grain Free Dog Food Salmon and Turkey – 700g
Packed with fresh salmon and turkey, this delicious grain-free recipe is specially designed to help even the pickiest pups grow up big and strong. It’s full of high-quality, easy-to-digest protein – which means no dried or dehydrated meat – including salmon, a natural source of Omega-3. We add a nutritious mix of fruit and veg, plus an extra boost of tasty herbs and botanicals to support a developing immune system. Finally, we cook everything gently to lock in goodness and flavour. This simple recipe brings together all the flavour and goodness of fresh salmon and turkey, plus a delicious healthy blend of fruit and veg. That means no meat meal and nothing processed or dried. We slow cook our kibble to lock in natural goodness, and add an extra boost of tasty herbs and botanicals to support a developing immune system. Good food makes your mind, body and spirit feel amazing. Nothing beats fresh meat and simple ingredients, cooked and packed with nature in mind. But most pet foods are over-processed and come wrapped in plastic. Enough is Enough. At Edgard andamp; Cooper, itandrsquo;s always been about more than simply feeding pets and making profit. As a B Corp you can count on us to continue striving for purrfection and doing the right thing. We’re on a mission to end the suffering of dogs and cats across the world, that’s why we donate 1% of sales to the Edgard and Cooper Foundation, which works to improve the lives of dogs and cats today and avoid harm tomorrow. Welcome to Edgard andamp; Cooper – naturally tasty cat and dog food that you, your pets and our planet can feel good about….