Dorwest Kelp Seaweed Powder for Dogs and Cats – 250g Tub
Kelp is the variety of seaweed that is a particularly rich source of minerals, and is known for its high levels of iron and iodine. It provides all 37 minerals and trace elements that are necessary to maintain a healthy metabolism, and so is also a valuable all round mineral supplement. Our pure Dorwest Kelp Seaweed Powder is easily administered by adding to the feed and is an acceptable alternative to our Kelp Seaweed tablets if preferred, although it does not have the added strength of the extract that are present in the tablets. Ideally give Kelp Powder from the Autumn right through the Winter months as this is when all animals naturally experience greater coat growth as they develop their winter coats. As well as promoting dense coat growth Kelp Seaweed also helps to maintain good pigmentation….