Calmex for Cats, Dogs and Horses – Tablets for Dogs – Pack of 60
Calmex is a unique product, formulated to encourage stress relief in dogs, cats and horses. It is can be particularly useful in situations like transport, lifestyle changes, veterinary visits, boarding/kenneling and challenging environments which may make them fearful or anxious. Calmex for Dogs Dogs can experience stress and anxiety in a variety of situations, including exposure to loud noises and being separated from their owner. CALMEXandreg; is a unique blend of ingredients, proven to help support relaxation at these times, and can be used as part of a multi-modal approach, alongside behavioural training techniques. Calmex for Cats Cats are very sensitive to environmental changes and can suffer with chronic stress, commonly due to inter-cat hostility or moving house. A multi-modal approach is often necessary to manage stress and CALMEXandreg; FOR CATS is a supplement, containing a unique blend of ingredients, proven specifi cally to help with this….